Palm Pre
by admin on Feb 23rd in Hardware Recommendations, Palm Pre
I admit it, I’m a Palm Person…from my first Palm III to my Palm Pre, I’ve always liked the clean interface of the Palm OS versus others. I’ve tried Windows Mobile, iPhone, etc, but I’ll always head back to the Palm. The Pre introduced a new OS called WebOS. While not the comfortable old Palm OS, it is a re-write from the ground up and does a great job of implementing the ‘Cloud’ in its synergy.
Yes, I was one of those waiting in line (ok, a virtual line since my Sprint rep ordered it for me) for the release of this phone. As with any new technology, it has had its share of bugs and other anomalies. However, Palm has been quite quick on their updates that have repaired many of the problems. I’m eagerly anticipating webOS 1.4 when I will have video capture added in.
The openness of the OS is wonderful. Anyone can get an SDK (software development kit) and start writing their own programs. If you are familiar with any of the web languages, webOS will be an easy transition for you. I also love the keyboard. I have tried HTC keyboards, iPhone virtual keyboards, etc, but the keyboard on the Pre is far more to my liking…very similar to the Palm Treo (the BEST keyboard for a phone).
How much do I like the Pre? Well, I bought 4 more at Christmas for everyone (except Scott, our youngest…no phone for you – one year, or two, or three!). Everyone likes the ease of use, the great connectivity, and even the Sprint Coverage. In fact, we get better coverage with Sprint than we had with AT&T, plus our monthly bill decreased in cost and increased in features! GO SPRINT!