Hardware Recommendations

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SkyDog vs. iBoss: Battle of the Internet Filters – This is all moot point, since SkyDog is gone, and iBoss is really bad…

by admin on Feb 10th in Hardware Recommendations

Edit: Unfortunately, the makers of SkyDog has been acquired by Comcast, and at this point has no intention of continuing the SkyDog service (beyond the three year subscription).  Another very sad example of  wonderful technology getting gobbled up by large conglomerates whose sole purpose is to  steal off the technology/patents and let the actual product […]

Finally! Windows Surface Pro!

by admin on Feb 11th in Hardware Recommendations

In my constant desire to have the newest and coolest gadgets, I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Microsoft’s Surface Pro.  Why not an iPad or a Tab or something else?  Well, to be honest, I’ve already bought one of nearly every mainstream tablet…and to be honest, they are all sitting on a pile […]

R.I.P. webOS

by admin on Aug 19th in Hardware Recommendations, Palm Pre

It is truly a sad day.  HP has announced that it will discontinue the sale of webOS phones and tablets.  This is probably very frustrating to those who bought the new HP Tablet in the last couple of months…and they are still advertising them on TV!  As a long time Palm user, it is sad […]

Tablet Wars – The Battle Rages On!

by admin on May 6th in Hardware Recommendations

Ever since the iPad arrived on the scene, everyone felt they needed a tablet.  This amazed me, since Fujitsu has been selling tablets for over 15 years.  They just didn’t have the ‘cool’ factor that Apple adds to all their products (through the ingestion of Steve Job’s Kool-Aid by the unsuspecting).  Now that we are […]

Raceway Resolution?

by admin on Aug 23rd in Hardware Issues, Hardware Recommendations

Having installed hundreds of mile of cable in my networking lifetime, there comes a time when you have to run the wire on the outside of the wall rather than on the inside.  To do this, you use what is called ‘raceway’.  You’ve probably see raceway used for electrical wiring on cinder block walls.  The […]

Protecting your Place in Cyberspace

by admin on Aug 12th in Hardware Issues, Hardware Recommendations, Software Issues, Software Recommendations

As a parent and teacher, I am thrilled with what is available on the Internet.  Unfortunately, I am at the same time scared to death of what is available on the Internet.  If that seems to be a bit of a paradox, welcome to the harsh reality of the Internet!  It is important for you […]

Get ‘Plaster’ed and Save Lots of Time and Effort (but spend a few $$$)

by admin on May 10th in Hardware Recommendations

One of the things I do for many of my clients is install networks–wired, wireless, and combinations.  However, there are times where running wire is too difficult (no suspended ceiling, concrete walls vs. plasterboard, etc) and wireless it inadequate.  So what do you do?  I have found the answer, and it is the Powerline adapters […]

Palm Pre

by admin on Feb 23rd in Hardware Recommendations, Palm Pre

I admit it, I’m a Palm Person…from my first Palm III to my Palm Pre, I’ve always liked the clean interface of the Palm OS versus others.  I’ve tried Windows Mobile, iPhone, etc, but I’ll always head back to the Palm.  The Pre introduced a new OS called WebOS.  While not the comfortable old Palm […]

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